Thursday, September 6, 2007

Laurelhurst Park Goodness

Etsy Tea Time in Laurelhurst Park

Sept 6th - it was a bopping good time - crafting goodness galore!

pictured to the left: Danielle making boxes for packaging (so cute!)

When I first arrived Lea was taking pictures in the perfect sunny yet cloudy outdoor light. I had to take pictures of her DIY setup - its brilliant. Cut the sides out of a box and tape on velum/tissue or some other semi-translucent paper, take outside for natural lighting:

I went and took some pictures of the lake in Laurelhurst... its just so beautiful, with all the ducks and Oregon lush goodness. Its particularily overgrown with algae at the moment though, so its kindof neon. And its roped off so people don't continue to throw bread to the cute ducks... thats what offset the algae balance problem...

Lots of people came today! Myself, Lea, Danielle, Judi, Mel, Jessi and her two youngest, Eliza, Sam, Audrey and her mom, Aimee and Mary. Whew thats a mouthful, and a lotta links! (please convo me reminders for links that i got wrong or forgot)

Crafting Goodness was happening right and left, there was felting and knitting, metalworking, paper-folding, popcorn eatting, lemondade making, trunk show planning... oh and I did a little mobile making.

Here you can see me showing off my brilliant new earrings from
MissPurl - and how they most amazingly and perfectly match the orange/red ring that I recently made myself. I am obsessed with orange. What better color of ring to make myself!