Thursday, May 31, 2007

Tea Time Discussion: Upcoming Show!

Tea Time: April 5th 2007

Today we had a great turn out
myself, Mary(PrettyThingsJewelry), Ryan(LittlePutBooks), Kaitlyn(DiscoMedusa) plus Corbin and a friend, Beck(Daisy Chains), Jennifer(PunkyKids) and Kristen(Urbana) - if I am leaving anyone out - I am so sorry - I am writing this after the fact and trying to remember who was there... please let me know who I slipped.

lots of discussion for the upcoming show (June 9th!!! - PDX Etsy Street Team will be representing in the Portland State Park blocks that Saturday) Kristin gave us a lot of information. Big shout outs go to Kristen and Adrienne for planning the show - they rock!!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OOoooo that was so coooool!

Nice blog btw :)